Whiston Junior & Infant School

Whiston Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Saville Road, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4DX


01709 828189

Prospectus and Tour of school

Welcome to Whiston Junior and Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Whiston Junior and Infant School

Saville Road


Rotherham S60 4DX

Telephone 01709 828189

Fax 01709 828189

e-mail enquiries@wji.wwpat.org

Website www.whistonjunior-infant.co.uk

If you would like a printed copy of our prospectus, please email as above.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Whiston Junior and Infant  School, which is proud to be part of Whitewoods Primary Academy Trust. We  hope this will mark the beginning of a long and happy relationship with our school. 

As your child begins their school career, you may be wondering what will be expected of them and how  we can help our young people to acquire the skills that will help their learning to develop. It is important that we recreate in school the security and care that you give your child at home. It is  also important that high expectations of behaviour and attainment are formed. This will help our children to be successful, not only in this school, but throughout their whole education and in later life. 

Hopefully this information booklet will give you some insight into how our school works, what will be expected of  your child and how we can work in partnership to gain the most beneficial impact on your child’s wellbeing and academic progress. 

We would like you to consider us as partners as we  value your interest and support. 

Yours sincerely, 


Mrs Tina Angell

Head Teacher