Whiston Junior & Infant School

Whiston Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Saville Road, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4DX


01709 828189


 Please  take a look at our maths curriculum overview, our long term plan, curriculum statement  and maths policies below. There is also information to support parents and carers.



 2023 24 Whiston Junior Infants – Maths Long Term Plan.docx.pdfDownload
 Addition and Subtraction.pptx.pdfDownload
 Multiplication and Division.pptx.pdfDownload
 Place Value.pptx.pdfDownload
 Times Tables 2023 - 24.pdfDownload
 WJI Multiplication and Division.pptx.pdfDownload
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At Whiston, we believe in the power of maths to change our children’s lives. Being a confident mathematician enables children to solve real-life problems. We are committed to equipping our pupils with the necessary knowledge and understanding to be good time-keepers, savvy shoppers and discerning citizens who question the figures put before them. As teachers who are passionate about maths, we want our children to know that the maths they learn inside and outside of the classroom has the potential to unlock doors in their futures as scientists, engineers and designers. We also believe that, like a love of literature, a love of maths – its patterns and its power – is a fundamental right for all children.


A high-quality mathematics education … provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. (National Curriculum)


We follow a mastery approach to teaching maths, meaning that we believe that all children can be successful mathematicians. Like all other subjects, maths is taught in mixed attainment groups so that all children contribute to and benefit from class discussions and receive both the support and challenge that they need.

Teachers use the National Curriculum to build progression from year to year and high-quality resources from the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) and White Rose to plan daily, small-steps of learning. Children are supported to master the maths curriculum through exposure to a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of maths. Across Key Stages, all children use manipulatives like Dienes, Numicon and place value counters to gain a deep understanding of numbers, mathematical operations and processes. These support secure use of abstract representations and are always available for children in each classroom.

We draw on the latest research from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics to provide the children with secure mathematical knowledge and deep conceptual understanding. This is achieved through engaging and interactive lessons rich in pupil talk and collaborative problem solving. Daily lessons provide children with an opportunity to review prior learning, count, engage with new content and practise number facts. Children see maths in real contexts on a daily basis and have the chance to work with their partner in each lesson, before consolidating their understanding with independent practice.

At Whiston, high, ambitious expectations for all children underpin mathematics teaching and learning. High quality, tailored and individual planning supports children with special educational needs. This targets their needs and supports each of them in making progress. In all lessons, all children have the opportunity to deepen their learning through ‘deeper’, ambitious tasks that will further probe them.
The National Curriculum sets out three areas of maths for children to master:

  1. Fluency
  2. Reasoning
  3. Problem solving

To find out more about the units of learning in each year group, take a look at our maths subject overview following the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation guidance below: Curriculum Overview Maths


All lessons involve a focus on being fluent mathematicians. Having key learning like bonds to 10 and times tables at their fingertips helps our children to work efficiently. Where less thinking time has to be given to calculating these basics, pupils are more able to reason and solve problems. Fluency practice is varied and engaging. Children may ‘beat the timer’ to recall key facts or use mini-white boards to complete a quick-fire round.


Alongside learning key number facts, children learn to reason about their maths. This involves partner talk and having to justify answers using mathematical vocabulary. Being able to say why an answer or method is correct or incorrect shows mastery of an area of maths. It also enables children to better notice and self-correct when they are not on track. Reasoning also involves pattern spotting and looking for rules and connections. Children are encouraged to look for patterns and links, find mistakes, make generalisations and solve questions in more than one way. Questions and conjectures are celebrated and explored together to work towards a shared understanding.

Problem Solving

Problem solving is an element in all units of maths. Children are given opportunities to apply calculation strategies to real-life problems. Discussion is a key element of problem solving; tackling a problem in different ways is celebrated. Children learn to think creatively and know that there is no ‘one correct way’ to represent or solve a problem. As mathematicians they must draw on all of their knowledge and skills to decide how best to get started and what to do if their first try does not work. Through problem solving children therefore develop flexible thinking and resilience: the problems are not supposed to feel easy to solve but they certainly feel satisfying when a solution is finally reached.

Ongoing assessment for learning

Assessment is woven into maths lessons so that teachers have a clear idea of what has been mastered and what each child’s next steps are. Planning is responsive – teachers plan to meet children’s gaps on a daily, weekly and termly basis. Children may complete a ‘Beat it’ to assess their fluency in a key skill (for example to be able to multiply and divide by 10). This will take no longer than 5 minutes and children are often able to self-assess to get instant feedback. ‘Check ins’ are used to revisit learning from previous weeks or terms to ensure that it has ‘stuck’. All assessment is low-stakes and takes place as a normal part of the maths lesson routine. Children have access to any equipment that may help them to be successful and are encouraged to self-select what they need. In this way, pupils are taught to be reflective and are involved in seeing their progress and their next steps. Teachers and support staff provide targeted support and assessment to help all children make good progress in maths.


Maths lessons are designed to be interactive with a significant emphasis on children’s talk. Through discussing their ideas, children construct new understanding, engage in a  supportive community of practice, take responsibility for their learning and allow the teacher a window into their thinking which enables appropriate action to help them progress. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving are three themes of the maths National Curriculum (DfE, 2014) and inform all maths teaching in Primary Advantage schools.

How to help your child at home

Seeing maths as part of everyday life is a great way for children to see the relevance of their maths lessons. Some key ways to support your child are listed below:


Encouraging your child to learn to tell the time (on both digital and analogue clocks) provides them with an invaluable life skill. Discussing journey details and looking at bus and train timetables helps children to see the value of good time-keeping. Which train must they catch to be on time.


With the increase in contactless payment devices, our children are handling less and less real money. Knowing the values of coins and how much change they should expect when paying with cash will empower your child to feel confident budgeting and spending money. Estimating how much several items will cost by rounding their values will help children to stay in budget. If I only have £5.00 I can only buy five 99p lollies as 99p is nearly £1.00.


Cooking and baking is a hugely enjoyable way to get children confident estimating mass and volume. Feeling the mass of flour in a bag will give children a sense of what a kilogram means and make a connection between 500g and 0.5kg being half of this amount. Reading the volume of milk from a jug will help children to read scales. Mixing ingredients together is the beginning of understanding ratio and proportion in Upper KS2: if I need 200g of flour for 4 cupcakes, then I will need 400g for 8 cupcakes as both amounts have been doubled.

Shape, patterns and designs (geometry)

Shapes surround us and sometimes we don’t even notice. Spotting squares, triangles, rectangles and other polygons in real life can help to strengthen your child’s ability to identify shapes. Counting or calculating how many tiles are on a bathroom wall shows them how the area is applied to real life. Measuring their own height in metres and centimetres and comparing it with your height will have them calculating the difference in a meaningful and motivating context: only 1.5m until I’m your height mum!

Number fluency

Underlying a real love of maths is a confidence in calculating fluently. When children are freed up by knowing their times tables or number bonds, they can spend more time spotting patterns and exploring. Some key areas of number fluency are:

  • knowing one more and one less than a number
    knowing times tables to 12×12 (by the end of Y4) including related facts e.g.
  • 4×6=24 6×4=24 24÷6=4 24÷4 =6
  • knowing number bonds to 10 (0-10, 1-9, 2-8, 3-7, 4-6, 5-5)
  • knowing time conversions: 1h = 60 minutes, ½ hour = 30 minutes, ¼ hour = 15 minutes, ¾ hour = 45 mins, 1 year = 365 days, 1 year = 12 months, 1 day = 24 hours, 1 hour = 60 minutes, 1 minute = 60 seconds
  • knowing measure conversions: 1kg = 1000g, 1l = 1000ml, 1m = 100cm, 1cm = 10mm
  • knowing equivalence in key fractions, decimals and percentages e.g. ½ = 0.5 = 50%, ¼ = 0.25 = 25%
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Primary TfM Embedding Work Group

(Continuing on from Primary Teaching for Mastery)


We are continuing our maths mastery journey by working with the South Yorkshire Hub's Teaching for Mastery group. This Work Group is a part of the continuing programme to embed the Teaching for Mastery approach. 


The project will focus on designing effective lessons, making use of key resources such as the Primary Mastery Professional Development materials and text books. This Work Group will provide schools with the opportunity to reflect on how these materials can be best used to support teachers through the planning process and to develop subject and pedagogical knowledge.


The programme will focus on two key areas:To embed a Teaching for Mastery approach in each classroom across the whole school and to secure a whole school approach to sustained change in mathematics For Teaching for Mastery to become embedded in schools there is a need to provide continued support for headteachers, senior leadership teams and maths leads.


In this Work Group, school leaders who have already begun to develop mathematics in their schools, will show a commitment to the Teaching for Mastery approach by taking on the responsibility for embedding change across the whole school and ensuring structures in place will support continued development of mathematics now and into the future.


South Yorkshire Maths Hub

We also use the South Yorkshire Maths Hub research models to support planning and assessment.

South Yorkshire Maths Hub

Maths planning, research and resources