Whiston Junior & Infant School

Whiston Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Saville Road, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4DX


01709 828189

Curriculum Intent Statement

At Whiston Junior and Infant School, we follow the National Curriculum. Through this lens, we provide opportunities for children to progress through the national curriculum objectives and make links through subject domains and through key concepts. We aim to develop children as independent, confident and successful learners whom have high aspirations, and who also know how to make a positive contribution to their community and a wider society.  There is a high focus on developing children’s reading skills throughout all areas of the curriculum whilst also developing their moral, spiritual, social and cultural capital and understanding.  Whiston Junior and Infant School ensures that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.


If you would like to find out more about our curriculum than we have made public on our website, please contact school via enquiries@wji.wwpat.org and we will forward your request to the correct member of staff.

See links below for individual subject disciplines:


If you require any further information, with regards to any subjects within our curriculum, please ask your child's class teacher of contact us at enquiries@wji.wwpat,org