Whiston Junior & Infant School

Whiston Junior & Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Saville Road, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4DX


01709 828189

Remote Learning 

Since September 2020, we have worked hard on developing  our approach to remote and blended learning to support learners who are self isolating or still in school.

We will continue to update this page and our approaches to remote and blended learning to best support and engage all our children. This is to ensure that even in times of islation, they can still continue to make good progress.

National Lockdowns 

All teaching and learning will incorporate a blended approach through a planned timetable. This will support all children learning remotely  vulnerable and critical worker children learning in school.

The government's expectation last year was that KS1 would have at least three hours of remote learning and KS2 at least four hours per day. During national lockdown, children will receive a range of 'live' lessons through Google Meet and some pre recorded teaching lessons through Oak Academy, DfE Phonics or  BBC Bitesize for example. They will then have to complete tasks via their Seesaw account, which will be then marked and feedback given by their class teachers and teaching assitants. They will be taught a range of lessons which will cover all aspects of English, mathematics and science and then a range of other subjects related to their year group and long term plan e.g. history, art, music and RE. These lessons will have been adapted to best support this style of teaching and learning.

All timetables have been emailed to parents and are also posted on the children's Seesaw account.


Whole Class or a Full School - Remote Learning

If a class or the entire school are having to self isolate due to advice from Public Health England, the teacher(s) will contact all our parents via Arbor Messaging Service the following day.

All the information needed for children to start to access their learning at home, will be sent via Arbor.

We will use a range of online learning platforms to support the teaching and learning. Children will need access to a laptop or a mobile device. We will use Google G Suite and Seesaw to ensure teachers can send video links and  'live real time' teaching sessions. We will also make the most of other online resources to ensure that all children continue to have a range of teaching and learning experiences.

Through using Google G Suite and Seessaw teachers will be able to mark and give feedback to individual children or groups.

Please visit the tutorials below to get you started.

Individual Pupils - Blended Learning

If an individual child is having to self isolate, teachers will organise a range of learning activities and teaching videos to be uploaded onto Seesaw. They will try their best to link your learning  to what your friends are learning in class. Children will be able to 'post' all their learning activities for their teacher to mark. Teachers may also set you learning linked to other web sites, such as specific lessons on Oak Academy and BBC Revisewise. Phonics will be signposted to Letters and Sounds site. Links below.

Due to the fact that teachers will be teaching the remainder of the class, they will not be able to arrange 'live lessons'; however, school staff will ensure that we contact parents and carers via email, Seesaw or telephone, to make sure that they can access their learning.

Please see our Remote Education Offer document attached below.

Showing 1-7 of 7

DfE Remote Education - Guidance for parents and schools

Links to education sites


DfE - Remote Education Expectations for parents

Daily Phonics Lessons

Direct teaching videos: Letters and Sounds

Oak Academy

Welcome to Oak Almost 10,000 free lessons and resources. Made by teachers, for every teacher and every pupil.


Home reading advice and ebooks

Chatter Pack

List of home learning sites for schools and families

BBC Revisewise

Learning at Home? Try our lessons full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help you with home learning.

Kids Zone

A selection of education websites linked to our Kids Zone page

Parents guide to Seesaw

Seesaw App for children

Google Classroom for Pupils and Parents

Google Classroom for Teachers

Link to the Seesaw App and Google Meet 'help sheet'

Seesaw App

Download the Seesaw app